As an Indonesian citizen, the first time I heard Honne was from their big-hit "Location Unknown" back in 2018. The reason? Gempi.
Gempi is a celebrity daughter from Gading Marteen and Gisell who both are a very famous celeb in Indonesia. Besides her parents, Gempi is also known for her cuteness. The first time I heard Honne's music was from her, the time where she sings just the chorus of the song Location Unknown and then I started to learn more and more about my favorite modern musician.
That is when I know that Honne is actually not a person, but two persons!

and they are actually formed in 2014, 4 years before I accidentally know and love their song.
I'm not going to talk about the detail of their career, but I'm only talking about their songs. Which to me, is very easy listening yet hit deeply to me.
I've been liking old songs from the 70,80 and 90s era. I even like some of the music from the 50s to 60s and as a big fan of Beatles, I rarely like modern music. I've been trying to hear Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber, or any other modern musician that is popular and "up-to-date" with my current generation (I'm born in 2000) yet I still can't feel them.
See, when we are talking about music. We are not just talking about what we hear, but also what we feel when we listen to them. I for one, always believe that music is a big part of human life, no matter who he/she is. We feel pumped when we heard Rock n Roll, sway our heads when we listen to RnB, and obviously, crying our eyes out when we listen to sad songs.
Honne songs mostly are slow-catchy songs that are very easy to listen to. Mass-appeal if one could say. Anyone could love their song and few might say that they hated it. I listen to any genre, I love metal, RnB, and generally old-song but Honne always has a special place in me.
From someone who used to listens to Beatles daily, I could say that Honne biggest hit "Location Unknown" is probably the greatest music that is ever produced. Yes, it is not as majestic as "Bohemian Rhapsody" or as great as "A Day in the Life" but to me, that song is the best.
I guess when someone says that something is the best in their opinion, they are talking about the experience they get through with that something. Location Unknown is my go-to-escape song whenever I feel not right. Tired after school, stressing about the future life. Yet, every single time I heard Location Unknown I always feel calm and relaxed. Without any command, my mouth keeps singing the song like it is my first time listening to it.
Gladly, Honne is not just one-hit-wonder. They keep producing great songs after great songs. My latest favorite of their project is nswy: dream edits which to be fair it's just a re-produce of their own songs with different tones, yet I really recommended it to everyone.

Looking back I think it really funny. How accidental can change someone's life. I really thanked Gempi to introduce me to Honne's song. Saved me from so many hard-day-at-night. Saved me from too much overthinking about the uncertainty of my life.
Maybe that is what great about life. It is all just a great happy little accident.